100 Great American Novels You've (Probably) Never Read

An interesting list:


Richard said…
Basically true for me: I've only read five of these. Naturally, I haven't even heard of most of them, the books and writers both.
Jason said…
These things always invite differing views. Mine would be questions about the likes of David Markson or Gilbert Sorrentino.

These are novelists that should be on the list; not recognized talents like Hawkes and popular authors like De Lillo and McInerney...
Richard said…
Is Hawkes more known, today, than either Sorrentino or Markson? I strongly doubt it.

Also, just because I'm commenting again, I don't have a problem with Delillo like some do (I've liked a few of his novels), but I thought The Players was awful.
Kal said…
An interesting list, though of the eight I've read, I would call only Dawn Powell's 'My Home Is Far Away,' a 'great' novel (it's actually very short). That said, I was really happy to see Powell on this list. She has to be one of the most neglected novelists of an era that lionized Hemingway and ignored her -- in my opinion, a superior writer in many ways (for one thing, Powell had a marvelous sense of humor and the absurd, a quality that seems to me totally lacking in Hemingway).

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