
As you may have noticed, blogging has not gone particularly well around here for the last few weeks. Once the term ends (or maybe even before, but not until after I get the first draft of a research paper I'm working on), these are some topics I think I'll be covering:

  • The promised second post on Christopher Lasch's The New Radicalism in America, where I will try to add something to his theory about "the intellectual as social type"
  • Two posts about Richard Ohmann's sweeping study of turn-of-the-century mass culture, Selling Culture: the first dealing with Ohmann's definition of mass culture (I think there's a good discussion to be had about how we might adapt it to the present, or whether we should); the second dealing with the concept of a "national market" or a "national audience," and what is really entailed in invoking the "nation" in this manner.
  • Some thoughts about this year's music
  • Some contrarianism about the aesthetic and moral presumptions of modernism, or, rather, of the felt need to elevate it continuously


Gratitude for the good blog post Blographia Literaria . It was very helpful for me. Keep sharing such thoughts in the future as well. gratitude for sharing the such information with us,

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