Have You Seen..., by David Thomson

David Thomson's book is closer to these books than it is to a Harold Bloom or Jonathan Rosenbaum canon—both Bloom and Rosenbaum choose their items out of a quasi-metaphysical devotion to the idea that a certain set of works must, at all costs, be preserved. Thomson's 1000 film list isn't about preservation so much as conversation: as he says, people tend to ask critics what they should watch. This is his response. He doesn't like all of them, but someone interested in film will probably find all of them worthwhile in some capacity, and a casual movie-watcher will probably enjoy most.
Thomson's had great practice at writing short, dynamic, fearlessly opinionated entries about film while composing and compiling his Biographical Dictionary of Film (and its revision/expansion). This book is no different, although a little more relaxed.
Thomson organizes the entries alphabetically, but the list at the back is ordered chronologically. His taste grows a little less canonical almost with each year that passes, so that there were actually more films I hadn't heard of from the 90s and 2000s than there were in the 40s and 50s. Which is not to say that he ignores the films that are legitimate and kind of inarguable masterpieces from the past decade or so, but that he adds in some truly obscure (mostly British) work. Here's the films from 2006 and 2007, the last years of the book:
- The Lives of Others
- Longford
- The Queen
- Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
- Eastern Promises
- No Country for Old Men
- Sweeney Todd
- There Will Be Blood
- You, the Living
Thomson's Wikipedia page also gives the Top Ten he submitted to the Sight and Sound poll, which is conducted every decade and will be done again in 2012. I don't think Thomson is likely to insert any of the films of the past six/seven years (i.e. since 2002, the last Sight and Sound poll) into his top ten, but his lists got me thinking about which possibly could, at least for me.
The Italian miniseries The Best of Youth (La Meglio Gioventù) is certainly a contender, as are There Will Be Blood and Children of Men. I really liked Syndromes and a Century, by the Thai director Apichatpong Weerasethakul; The New World, I'm Not There, and Hirokazu Kore-eda's Nobody Knows would all be in the back of my mind.
What about you—what films released since 2002 should or could end up on a critic's all-time top ten list? If anyone says Dark Knight, I'm banning them from ever commenting again.
I second your vote for Children of Men. Spirited Away and The Fog of War still make me weak in the knees. I feel like documentary & animation have both gone to a lot of great places in the past 20 years, so it'd be nice to see that reflected. But to be realistic, I doubt any movie from the past 7 years will even make Sight & Sound's top 50.
Like you, I find these "Top N Movies" books kind of bleh anyway. They tend to treat movies as self-actualized little islands to visit, instead of as part of the ebb and flow of genres and reflections of other movies.
In general, though, I'd agree with your nominations, The New World, There Will Be Blood, and Children of Men especially. I'd throw in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Why did you have to remind me that they made The Ladykillers?! Nooo! Yeah, they've had some stinkers. I just repress the memory of them.
No Country is a good--maybe sort of great film. Just not a good Coen Bros. film. It would be a great film if someone else had directed it, or if I could imagine someone else had directed it. But putting it up against something like Blood Simple, all I can think of is how much they were repressing their weird talents to make what is essentially a latter-day Robert Mitchum flick. And I like Out of the Past, don't get me wrong, but really, I want something different from the Coen Brothers when I see one of their movies.
Le Pont Des Arts
Regular Lovers
Still Life
The Man Without a Past
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
Helen (Desperate Optimists, not Sandra Nettelbeck)
Also,if we're including made-for-television productions, The Power of Nightmares bears a certain amount of consideration.
Also: Mad Men.
Is Up the best Pixar, then?
I need to see it again, I've just convinced myself.
I also forgot about Brendon's ability to spin lists of great movies that people don't talk about enough. Good show.
I strongly second Happy-Go-Lucky as one of the best since '02. And The Best of Youth as well. I just saw (and enjoyed) Up, but I think Ratatouille was more impressive start to finish. (My problem with both Up and Wall-E is that their strong and innovative first acts inevitably lead to some level of disappointment when things get more conventional.
Spirited Away. Yes.
Anonymous, you may be correct about the insights of Be Kind Rewind, but that ignores the fact that it was a sloppy, pretty bad movie, whatever its value as a sociological text.